Kassandra McConnell
1 min readMar 6, 2021


How to be a woman

How to be a woman,

to-be a woman you must stand up

for what you believe in.

To be a woman you must be strong.

You’ll have to have a good head

On your shoulders,

And be ready to fight back;

Fight back with a beautiful smile.

We together as women

Can smile through just about anything.

We’ll fight back tears,

I think that’s the difference between a girl vs a woman

We know when to say NO!

We know when to say STOP!

We can vocalize,

Our needs and wants through communication.

To be a woman,

You must stand tall,

Like a tree.

And carry your leaves.

Being a woman means,

NOBODY can tell you

What to do with your body;

Because its nobody’s but your’s.

Being a woman is

Taking forever to get ready,

But not for another being,

But yourself.

Being a woman means,

We know that we are equals.

To not just men,

But everyone, because we are all people.

Being a woman is powerful,

We can walk softly

And carry a big stick

If we want too.



Kassandra McConnell

Freelance writer, and poet I love to write about feminism, spirituality, and mental health! And whatever else peeks my interest at the time🌻🌻